Monday, August 22, 2005

The art of installing skins

I get a few messages from people who have trouble installing skins so I thought I'd clarify a couple of things.

Skins are not applications. There is no way to have a nice executable for you to click on to install the skins. All files have to be copied over to the pocket pc manually (using ActiveSync and the "Explore" button). I always provide detailed instructions on how to do this. The file is called "instructions.txt" (or "InstructionsVGA.txt" and "InstructionsNonVGA.txt"). I suggest reading this first before reporting problems with the installation process. This is out of my control, it is just the way applications use skins.

Another thing makes this even more difficult: You can install applications to different locations. Many like putting programs in FileStores or on Storage Cards. The skins will have to be installed accordingly.

There is one exception to this: Spb Weather. The skin making process generates an executable for the user to click on.

Why two separate versions of the skins? This is because VGA and nonVGA (or QVGA which it also is called) have different resolutions (screen sizes). VGA screens are twice as big in pixels as nonVGA devices. If you install the wrong version the skin may work, but will look strange.

There is also a difference in Phone Edition Wisbar Advance skins and non Phone Edition skins. Phone Edition skins have a few more buttons to skin.

All this may seem very confusing and strange, but what it comes down to is just copying folders from your desktop pc to your pocket pc. As long as they go in to the right locations everything will work fine.

And remember: I don't provide any actual programs, just graphical enhancements to programs you already have. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

New domain -

Finally got around to getting my own domain name. The old links still work but this is the new official address:

(and a thank you to my wife for actually getting the domain)